Physical Education

General Physical Education (G7 – G12)

Physical Education (PE) is a unique subject that provides comprehensive learning opportunities for students to improve both their physical and psychological capabilities through different physical activities. We provide a safe and active environment for children to become active, creative, collaborative, sociable and competitive, and to face different challenges as individuals and in groups or teams.

  • Students will improve their physical fitness and sports skills, and enhance the overall health conditions.
  • Students will establish desirable social attitudes and patterns of behaviour such as fair play and good sportsmanship.
  • Students will understand the essentials of co-operating with others in communal life and foster their sense of responsibility and belonging.
  • Students will cultivate their sense of aesthetic appreciation and enrich their knowledge of elegant posture and movements.
  • Students will develop interest and desirable attitudes towards physical activities and will be encouraged to take part in sports, physical training and recreational activities actively and regularly.

Curriculum Framework

Grade Skills Learning Expectations
G7 Athletics, Badminton, Basketball, Gymnastics, Softball Learn the rules and skills of different sports
G8 Athletics, Rope skipping, Soccer, Table tennis, Volleyball Learn the rules and skills of different sports
G9 Athletics, Basketball, Gymnastics, Handball, Lacrosse, Rugby Learn the rules and skills of different sports; enhance collaboration through group performance
G10 Athletics, Badminton, Golf, Rugby, Tennis, Volleyball Enhance the tactical concepts in each sport
G11 Athletics, Basketball, Handball, Soccer, Table tennis, Yoga Enhance the tactical concepts in each sport
G12 Ball games, Social Dance, Frisbee, Sports climbing Enjoy different newly-introduced and challenging sports

*For GCE class only

School-based Fitness Program

Fitness Tests Facilities Learning Expectations
Sit & reach
  1. Jogging Track
  2. Fitness Centre
  3. Indoor Gymnasium
Maintain good flexibility and range of motion
Sit up Improve muscular endurance
Handgrip strength  Improve muscular strength
9-minute run/Standing Long Jump Improve aerobic capabilities/power

Progressive expectations are set for each test across G7-12, for continuous improvement, as well as the establishment of an active lifestyle and habits of having regular exercise for good health.

HKDSE PE (G10-G12)

The HKDSE PE curriculum covers the syllabus of Physical Education in Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education:

A. Theory Part (60%):
Part I: Physical Education, Sports, Recreation, Leisure and Wellness, History and Recent Development
Part II: Human Body
Part III: Movement Analysis
Part IV: Fitness and Nutrition for Health and Performance in Physical Activities
Part V: Physiological Basis for Exercise and Sports Training
Part VI: Sports Injuries, Treatment and Precautions
Part VII: Psychological Skills for PE, Sports and Recreation
Part VIII: Social Aspects of PE, Sports and Recreation
Part IX: Sports and Recreation Management

B. Practical Examination (40%):

1. Attainment in TWO physical activities:

Students have to select one physical activity from each of the following two categories:
(i) Badminton, basketball, football, handball, table tennis, volleyball; and
(ii) Athletics, gymnastics, swimming.

2. Attainment in physical fitness test and performance in planning, implementation and evaluation of an individualised physical fitness enhancement programme:

Fitness tests

Boys Girls
Sit & reach Sit & reach
Sit up Sit up
Pull up Flexed arm hang
1609m Run 1609m Run


Athletic Meet
Athletic Meet
Aquatic Meet
Aquatic Meet
Golf Lessons
Golf Lessons
Sports Climbing Lesson
Sports Climbing Lesson
Cycling Challenge
Cycling Challenge
Yoga Experiences
Yoga Experiences
12th Consecutive Championships in the All Hong Kong Inter-Secondary Schools Softball Competition
12th Consecutive Championships in the All Hong Kong Inter-Secondary Schools Softball Competition
Lacross Experience
Lacross Experience