Physical Education
General Physical Education (G7 – G12)
Physical Education (PE) is a unique subject that provides comprehensive learning opportunities for students to improve both their physical and psychological capabilities through different physical activities. We provide a safe and active environment for children to become active, creative, collaborative, sociable and competitive, and to face different challenges as individuals and in groups or teams.
- Students will improve their physical fitness and sports skills, and enhance the overall health conditions.
- Students will establish desirable social attitudes and patterns of behaviour such as fair play and good sportsmanship.
- Students will understand the essentials of co-operating with others in communal life and foster their sense of responsibility and belonging.
- Students will cultivate their sense of aesthetic appreciation and enrich their knowledge of elegant posture and movements.
- Students will develop interest and desirable attitudes towards physical activities and will be encouraged to take part in sports, physical training and recreational activities actively and regularly.
Curriculum Framework
Grade | Skills | Learning Expectations |
G7 | Athletics, Badminton, Basketball, Gymnastics, Softball | Learn the rules and skills of different sports |
G8 | Athletics, Rope skipping, Soccer, Table tennis, Volleyball | Learn the rules and skills of different sports |
G9 | Athletics, Basketball, Gymnastics, Handball, Lacrosse, Rugby | Learn the rules and skills of different sports; enhance collaboration through group performance |
G10 | Athletics, Badminton, Golf, Rugby, Tennis, Volleyball | Enhance the tactical concepts in each sport |
G11 | Athletics, Basketball, Handball, Soccer, Table tennis, Yoga | Enhance the tactical concepts in each sport |
G12 | Ball games, Social Dance, Frisbee, Sports climbing | Enjoy different newly-introduced and challenging sports |
*For GCE class only
School-based Fitness Program
Fitness Tests | Facilities | Learning Expectations |
Sit & reach |
Maintain good flexibility and range of motion |
Sit up | Improve muscular endurance | |
Handgrip strength | Improve muscular strength | |
9-minute run/Standing Long Jump | Improve aerobic capabilities/power |
Progressive expectations are set for each test across G7-12, for continuous improvement, as well as the establishment of an active lifestyle and habits of having regular exercise for good health.
HKDSE PE (G10-G12)
The HKDSE PE curriculum covers the syllabus of Physical Education in Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education:
A. Theory Part (60%):
Part I: Physical Education, Sports, Recreation, Leisure and Wellness, History and Recent Development
Part II: Human Body
Part III: Movement Analysis
Part IV: Fitness and Nutrition for Health and Performance in Physical Activities
Part V: Physiological Basis for Exercise and Sports Training
Part VI: Sports Injuries, Treatment and Precautions
Part VII: Psychological Skills for PE, Sports and Recreation
Part VIII: Social Aspects of PE, Sports and Recreation
Part IX: Sports and Recreation Management
B. Practical Examination (40%):
1. Attainment in TWO physical activities:
Students have to select one physical activity from each of the following two categories:
(i) Badminton, basketball, football, handball, table tennis, volleyball; and
(ii) Athletics, gymnastics, swimming.
2. Attainment in physical fitness test and performance in planning, implementation and evaluation of an individualised physical fitness enhancement programme:
Fitness tests
Boys | Girls |
Sit & reach | Sit & reach |
Sit up | Sit up |
Pull up | Flexed arm hang |
1609m Run | 1609m Run |