Hong Kong Secondary School Debate Competition Round 1 Winners

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In the first round of the Hong Kong Secondary School Debate Competition (HKSSDC) Primary Competition held on February 6, 2024, our talented debate team consisting of Claire Man (6B), Jigten Cholon (6D), and Richie Tang (6E) emerged victorious. Notably, Jigten's exceptional debating skills earned him the title of the evening's best debater. Taking a stance against the motion "The House Would Require the Unemployed to Participate in Community Work to Be Eligible for Social Welfare," our team presented compelling arguments to support their position.

Our young debaters have to, not only gather information about different social issues, but also use their critical thinking skills and logical reasoning skills to formulate arguments and rebuttals. Therefore, it is important that we start the students on the art of debating when they are still young. At A-School, debating is an integral part of our Grade 6 English oral communication curriculum, allowing all students the opportunity to learn debating skills. Students are guided step-by-step to work in teams to articulate their point of view with the support of evidence. In the second term of our Grade 6 curriculum, class debates are arranged and all students would argue for-or-against a motion. We believe that through debating, our students can develop their different generic skills, such as language skills, collaboration skills, communication skills, information technology skills and critical thinking skills.

We wish our debate team all the best as they progress to the next round.