Silent Teacher Talk

News date

CUHK has been conducting a body donation program for more than 20 years called "Silent Teacher". It aims to encourage the public to donate their bodies after death to medical education and training, allowing medical students to study real human bodies, which is vital to their training and beneficial to their learning. 

Our G10 and G11 students were extremely grateful for the opportunity to learn the value of life and death. At the end of the Silent Teacher talk, our students wrote cards to show their appreciation to the Silent Teachers for their contribution to the medical education in Hong Kong.

Furthermore, our students were able to visit the Autopsy Laboratory to learn more about human anatomy not only with the plastic model but also the well-preserved body parts from the Silent Teachers. Our sincere gratitude goes out to Dr. Wong Wai Kai for giving a brief and appealing introduction to human anatomy. The experience will be valuable for our students in their future studies.

It is never too late to make a difference to others, even after we are dead. From now on, consider serving society in different ways even when our life candles vanished.

For more details of the Silent Teacher program, please visit: