Thanksgiving Week – Secondary Division

News date

To promote the importance of thanksgiving, strengthen the positive school culture and encourage students to express gratitude, love and care to others, the Thanksgiving Week was held from March 11 to 15, 2019. The Guidance Team worked with more than ten departments and units to carry out a variety of interesting competitions and activities throughout the week, including the "Upbeat" Message Postcard Design Competition, Inter-chamber Thanksgiving Video Making Competition, Theme Writing: Random Act of Kindness (G8), Slogan Design Competition (G7), etc. 

Students were engaged in the activities to show their appreciation to peers, teachers and staff. The winning postcards of the design competition were distributed to students to write thank you message. Students also enjoyed the thanksgiving booths and activities - song dedication, free hug and instant photos taken with the giant Rilakkuma, shrink plastic keyring and preserved flower keyring DIY, UV resin craft making, PTA gift booth, etc. in the lunch recesses of the week.

G7 to G9 students attended an interactive drama arranged by Caritas Dr. & Mrs. Olinto de Sousa Integrated Family Service Centre. During reading period, G7 and G8 students also shared positive attitude of touching life stories from the renowned Taiwan author the late Hsing Lin Tsi and Nick Vujicic, an Australia life fighter who was born without arms or legs.  

Through these meaningful activities, students would feel the love and care from every stakeholder of the school and understand the meaning of thanksgiving. 

To enjoy the Thanksgiving Videos made by the Chambers, please click into the following links:

Chamber Aristotle:

Chamber Beethoven:

Chamber Columbus:

Chamber DaVinci:

Chamber Einstein: