Green Studio Mobile Classroom


The Green Studio Mobile Classroom made a special visit to our school on Thursday, November 30th!

Since 2009, the Green Studio has been touring local schools and communities, and we were lucky to have them as the first-green mobile classroom in Hong Kong!  Their Multi-purpose Vehicle (MPV) has been instrumental in raising public awareness about climate change. So far, over 250,000 visitors have had the opportunity to experience CLP's incredible environmental learning program.

Yesterday, our Grade One students had the chance to participate in activities during their regular lesson time. They learned all about global warming, climate change, and discovered initiatives for creating a smart, low-carbon city. Plus, they even received some awesome green-living tips!

We're grateful to have had the Green Studio Mobile Classroom at our school, helping us educate our students about the importance of taking care of our planet. Let's continue to strive for a greener future together!

🌿💚 #GreenStudio #ClimateChangeEducation #Sustainability