Iron Excel First Training Camp


Our top-tier leadership team, Excel33P, recently had their first Iron Excel Training on 11th and 12th of November. This immersive 2-days, 1-night overnight camp was designed to focus on wild camping and cooking in the wilderness, while placing a strong emphasis on the development of essential leadership skills.

During the camp, our students had the chance to learn valuable life lessons that will stay with them for years to come. They displayed perseverance, teamwork, and care for others, all while immersing themselves in the beauty of nature. One of the highlights was witnessing their determination as they set up their own tents in the midst of the great outdoors. It truly showcased their resourcefulness and ability to adapt.

Students demonstrated their resilience and creativity by cooking without matches and resorting to backwoods' cooking methods. This hands-on experience not only fostered self-reliance but also instilled a deep appreciation for the environment and the importance of preserving it.

In addition to these valuable experiences, it is important to note how this camp has enhanced our students' leadership skills. By navigating the challenges of setting up tents and cooking in unfamiliar surroundings, they developed problem-solving abilities and learned to make critical decisions as a team. They had to communicate effectively, delegate tasks, and collaborate in order to accomplish their goals.

The camp also provided opportunities for our students to take on leadership roles within their groups. They had to guide and support their peers, ensuring everyone felt included and valued. This experience allowed them to develop their leadership presence, communication skills, and the ability to inspire and motivate others.

Overall, this weekend camp has been an incredible platform for our students to enhance their leadership skills. It has empowered them to step out of their comfort zones, embrace challenges, and emerge as more confident and capable leaders.