Parent Forum: Student-led Conferences - Let Our Students Fly!


Last Friday, the school hosted a special parent forum regarding our upcoming student-led conferences. Our heartfelt gratitude to all the parents who attended the Parent Forum on Student-led Conferences - Let Our Students Fly! We were thrilled to see such a fantastic turnout and witness your active involvement in your child's education.

The forum began with Mrs. Winnie Pradhan, our Assistant Principal for Academic Affairs, sharing valuable insights into the rationale behind Student-led Conferences (SLC) and how they align with our school's vision. She emphasized how SLC empowers students to take charge of their learning journey and equips them with essential skills for their future success. Mrs. Pradhan also shed light on how our students are taught to set SMART goals, ensuring they have a clear direction and purpose.
Furthermore, Mrs. Pradhan highlighted the pivotal role of our dedicated teachers in guiding and supporting students throughout the SLC process. Their expertise and commitment foster a nurturing environment where students can flourish and grow. 

We were fortunate to have Ms. Cho Siu Yee, our Associate Vice Principal of Student Development, enlighten us on the personal growth aspect of Student-led Conferences. Ms. Siu Yee emphasized the significance of cultivating a growth mindset in our students, encouraging them to embrace challenges and view setbacks as opportunities for learning and improvement. She also emphasized the importance of gratitude moments, which are the focal point of student SLC presentations during Term 1. Ms. Cho touched many hearts as she shared personal experiences and touching moments from earlier student-led conferences.

The Parent Forum was a resounding success, and we are delighted to share that the feedback we received from the survey was overwhelmingly positive. Many parents expressed their appreciation for the valuable information presented during the forum, with some mentioning that they attend this event every year to refresh their knowledge of student-led conferences. Your active participation demonstrates your commitment to your child's education and strengthens the strong bond between home and school. Remember, your involvement in your child's education is invaluable. Together, we can empower our students to soar to new heights!

After the forum, parents were in for a treat as they could join our teacher, Mr. Steve Chan, who had set up a telescope in the Sky Garden for an awe-inspiring evening of stargazing and astronomy viewing. It was a wonderful opportunity for families to bond and explore the wonders of the universe together. Thank you, Mr. Chan, for adding an extra touch of magic to our event!

Thank you once again for your continued support.